sâmbătă, 4 august 2007

Have You Seen LCD Projection TV?

Author: Bivan

Have you seen LCD projection TV? No, really. I don't just mean
a picture online or in an advertisement on a normal tube
television, but have you actually seen projection TV? It really
is completely different that what even the hardest of hardcore
couch potatoes have ever witnessed. It is impossible to properly
describe the effect of LCD projection TV, but roughly it is to
normal TV what the CD is to the cassette tape. Leagues of
difference, I say. It is the bee's knees, the cream in your
coffee, the sprinkles on your donut, the...aw, enough. Let's
cut to the chase.
Big yet sleek and impressive without ostentatiousness, Toshiba
has a pair of outstanding 42" LCD projection TV sets to draw the
consumer's eye. The featured Toshiba LCD TV, the 42" LCD
projection TV, is but one representative of the "Diagonal Cinema
Series" bunch. Just under thirty-five hundred dollars (see
Toshiba.com for ordering information), this 42" LCD TV comes
replete with Toshiba's "adaptive LCD projection TV technology,"
which makes feasible the addition of innumerable extensions to
this LCD projection TV, thereby allowing all your favorite
doodads all the benefits of it, up to and including Dolby-based
sound systems.
Speaking of sound systems, have you heard the Sony projection TV line? No, I mean have you really heard of it? Well, it's Sony and that right there says a lot. Audio has been at the heart of Sony business since time immemorial (okay, the 1950s to be precise), thereby levering projection TV sets against the competition as in other audiovisual fields.
Sony product information promises that their products will be
at center of a complete audio "suite." Stuff like Focus
technology, TruBass and SRS 3-D dot the T's and cross the I's
of the projection TV experience. It is said that good sound
can save an average movie, but poor sound can ruin a great
movie. If one of the prime selling points of LCD projection
TV in general is the technology's presentation of movies,
Sony LCD projection TV should be a must on any serious TV
shopper's priority list. See Sonystyle.com for the entire LCD
TV line, not to mention a tantalizing description of SRS WOW
technology; you can rest well assured that this will warm
the movie goer's cockles.
Article written by Ryan Tenney.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/business-articles/have-you-seen-lcd-projection-tv-45439.html

About the Author:
Ryan Tenney

california home theater

home theater

email: bivan_dense@yahoo.com

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